So?What are good eyeshadow colours for purple eyes?
I have navy blue eyes, and wear shades of brown and grey together. If you wear shadows that are close in shade to your eye color, it can dampen the hue of your eyes. Wear colors that are either darker/ duller than your eyes, or colors that contrast. This will make your eye color stand out by either deepening the appearance, or by sharpening the contrast (';pop';). If you have dark hair or skin, go for the contrast. If you have fair coloring/red or blonde hair, go with the natural/darker shadows .What are good eyeshadow colours for purple eyes?
SILVER! definetly silver! and orange! and maybe blue.
u can use silver or golden and i think u r eyes will look gorgeous.
I would love to see your purple eyes. Here's to looking at you kid.
Any shade of green, pink, and silver
silver and green will look incredible with purple hues.
yellow, orange and green will contrast with purple, make yu eyes stand out more, and blues and pink/reds will will make it look soft.
and black, well we cant go wrong with black now can we? not to mention the grays will look really pretty with the purple
Where green and purple eye shadow cute!
Pink, Blue, Brown. Cool Color!
probably brown.
Why would you wear purple contacts. They obviously aren't real looking. That's silly. Umm, just don't do it.
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